By the Numbers

By the Numbers
abstract geometrical shapes in UNH shades of blue


Preparing tomorrow’s practitioners and leaders in disability-related fields through teaching is a top priority for the IOD. Our faculty and staff prioritize universal design principles in their approach. They create innovative learning experiences, teaching models, and programs of study that leverage the perspectives and voices of those with lived experience.

13 UNH Courses
18 Badges Offered
562 Badges Issued


Knowledge related to disability has seen significant contributions from the IOD. Through research and the resulting publications outlining key insights, our faculty and staff positively impact people with disabilities and their families. Collecting and analyzing data, running focus groups, conducting model demonstration projects, and evaluating outcomes all play a role informing what types of support will be most effective to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities.

15 Peer reviewed articles
2 Books / Chapters
29 Monographs


We are committed to creating more inclusive communities through providing local, regional, and national services that are culturally relevant, progressive, and evidence based. We do this by training leaders in disability-related fields and providing technical assistance that improves organizational and community capacities for all citizens. Additionally, we also serve as a resource for policymakers. Our faculty, staff, and volunteers are actively engaged in the work needed to promote full access, equal opportunities, and participation for all.

12928 Event Participants
3215 Technical Assistance Recipients
11499 Technical Assistance Hours


We raise awareness and connect the dots between disability research and practice through strategic information sharing. To ensure the widest possible reach, we use both traditional media and emerging technologies to maximize exposure, improve accessibility, and make our resources easier to discover for our fellow educators, service providers, and others who provide direct support to people with disabilities.

IOD Dissemination #'s: Website Traffic: 72,404; Website Visitors: 50,482; Email Subscribers: 36,446; Social Media Followers: 26,929; Social Media Engagements: 9,631

Staff & Honors

Total Employees

75 Full-Time Staff
10 Part-Time Staff
16 Student Employees


1 Tenure
3 Clinical
10 Research

Postdoctoral Researchers

Honors, Awards, & Fellowships

Financial Overview

Pie Chart of the IOD's Financials: Foundation & Non-Profit Grants: $1,319,618; Gifts: $262,525; Training & Consulting Agreements $6,238,617; State Grants & Contracts: $2,286,536; Federal Subcontracts: $60,443; Federal Grants: $5,516,234