We Are Here Video Project

We Are Here Video Project
We Are Here photo collage of diverse people featured in this video project

This project is a collaboration between the Institute on Disability, the Endowment for Health, and individuals and groups focused on elevating the voices of individuals from marginalized communities in New Hampshire as they seek high quality behavioral healthcare. These videos capture the stories of individuals in New Hampshire who have struggled to receive behavioral healthcare because the systems were not able to respond to their unique cultural experiences. They also capture examples of effective strategies.

We believe that by elevating the voices of people with lived experience, we can effect real change. This project seeks to advance equity in care by addressing the “What can I do?” / “How can I help?” questions that individuals and organizations often ask when trying to engage and better serve people from diverse communities.

These stories are designed to help identify possible strategies, alternatives to mainstream behavioral healthcare, and action steps for change that would align with the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards. The goal is to increase access to and use of behavioral health services, improve the quality of care, and achieve better outcomes for New Hampshire residents from historically marginalized communities.

Access the We Are Here Videos

We have created a web-based learning portal for the We Are Here videos and a process for giving people access. We are gathering information about how and where the videos are being used to advance positive change in communities. 

Complete this user agreement to access the Videos.

You can also Email Us and be sure to mention the We Are Here video project.

Once you have completed the user agreement, we will give you access to the UNH Canvas portal where you can view the videos online and download the Discussion Guides.

Free Training in Culturally Responsive Services

Free training in culturally responsive services is available to New Hampshire groups.

For more information, contact:

Office of Health Equity

NH Department of Health and Human Services

Email: HealthEquity@dhhs.nh.gov | Phone: (603) 271-3986