Online Training Videos

Online Training Videos

A broad group of individuals has been working since 2009 to develop the skills and improve the stability of the NH Children's Behavioral Health Workforce. This group, called the NH Children's Behavioral Health Workforce Development Network (the Network), includes family organizations, universities, providers, trainers, and state policy makers.

The Network has developed a set of children's behavioral health core competencies, which are steeped in the system of care approach. This best practice approach describes a system that is family-driven, youth-guided, community-based, and culturally and linguistically competent.

The Network has also worked to improve training for individuals who support children, youth, and their families by developing a set of online modules regarding best practices and basic information about system of care. The modules have been produced by individuals with lived experience and practitioners who work with children, youth, and families every day. These modules will be expanded and developed over time.

Modules can be found as follows:

  • Basic Overview of Special Education
    Mary Grillo, Education Specialist, Parent Information Center
    (13:40 minutes)
    Reviews parental rights and responsibilities, evaluation, eligibility, and resources to help access special education.
  • Children’s Mental Health Core Competencies Review
    JoAnne Malloy, Ph.D., UNH Institute on Disability
    (18:06 minutes)
    Defines the essential skills, abilities and knowledge required of child serving providers. These competencies help create consistency and continuity of services across the state in order to improve outcomes for children, youth, and families. They also provide better support retention and quality training for providers.
  • Early Childhood Mental Health
    Ellyn Schreiber, LMHC, and ECFMHC, Advanced- RPC, Community Bridges
    (18:06 minutes)
    Provides key information on basic neurodevelopment, the importance of attachment, and attachment concerns, and describes the effects of toxic stress. Discusses the early childhood system and community resources for young children and their families.
  • Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs)
    Cassie Yackley, Psy.D.; Katrin Neubacher, M.S., Dartmouth Trauma Interventions Research Center
    (25:39 minutes)
    Describes the process by which a practice becomes “evidence based,” and identifies potential challenges and benefits that come with using EBPs. Resources are suggested for finding an EBP trained provider, locating resources for EBPs in children’s services, and for NH organizations that support EBPs.
  • Family-Driven and Youth-Guided Practice
    Claudia Ferber, M.S., Former Director, Child and Family Programs, NAMI NH
    (15:20 minutes)
    Discusses the importance of policy makers and providers partnering with youth and families, recognizing their strengths, and supporting efforts to direct their own care.
  • Futures Planning
    Jonathon Drake, MSW, UNH Institute on Disability
    (36:50 minutes)
    Explores using a graphic facilitation process that encourages youth to reflect about their life, understand their support network, identify strengths and skills, and ultimately set and pursue goals based on their life aspirations.
  • Mental Health First Aid
    Thomas Grinley, Program Planner, Office of Consumer and Family Affairs, NH Bureau of Behavioral Health
    (14:07 minutes)
    Teaches adults how to help adolescents ages 12 to 18 who are developing or experiencing mental health or substance use issues.
  • Overview of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
    Eric Mann, MSW, NH Center for Effective Behavioral Interventions and Supports at SERESC, Inc.
    (16:31 minutes)
    Provides a framework for a 3-tiered continuum of strategic and comprehensive social, emotional, and academic interventions and supports for children.
  • Refugee Resettlement
    Brandon Anderson, Refugee Program Specialist, State Refugee Program, Office of Minority Health & Refugee Affairs
    (15:21 minutes)
    Examines how and why New Americans (refugees) are resettled, as well as the struggles they may face, mental health concerns, and resources to help.
  • Substance Use
    Kimberly Hyslop, Training Coordinator, NH Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Association and the NH Training Institute on Addictive Disorders
    (20:43 minutes)
    Examines the common indicators of substance use and misuse in families and youth.
  • The Role of Vocational Rehabilitation in Transition Planning
    Tina Greco, Transition Coordinator, NH Vocational Rehabilitation
    (13:56 minutes)
    Explains how to qualify for Vocational and Educational Rehabilitation, services vocational rehab staff can offer, and locations of VR offices across NH.
  • Trauma and Its Impact on Children
    Erin Barnett, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth Trauma Interventions Research Center
    (20:58 minutes)
    Considers the common indicators of trauma and its impact on children, and provides resources for parents and family members.
  • Youth Engagement
    Hannah Raiche and Julian Abate, Youth M.O.V.E. NH
    (10:36 minutes)
    Aims to educate adult allies and support staff about proven strategies for meaningfully engaging young people by empowering them to become partners and leaders at home, at school, and in their communities.
  • NH CHINS Law: What It Means and How It Works
    Patrick Roberts, NAMI NH
    (58:54 minutes)
    Provides a brief overview of what a CHINS is and its purpose, how to navigate the CHINS volunteer referral process, and how volunteer services are implemented, and discusses next level interventions if volunteer CHINS is not successful or appropriate. 
  • Worker Safety
    Adele Gallant, FAST Forward Program Manager, NH DCYF
    (9:54 minutes)
    Discusses professional workplace boundaries, strategies for coping with work-related stressors, and guidelines for worker safety during home visits, including prevention strategies, and how to recognize and respond to escalating behavior.