New Hampshire Wraparound

New Hampshire Wraparound

Providing Hope for NH Youth with Emotional or Behavioral Challenges and Their Families

NH wraparound logo

Wraparound is a youth- and family-driven process that supports children or youth (birth - age 21) with significant emotional or behavioral challenges and their families. Wraparound brings together a community-based team to support the family by developing and monitoring a plan of care that builds on family and youth strengths and addresses their needs.

The Wraparound process is facilitated by a highly-trained individual called a Wraparound Coordinator who understands family- and youth-driven practice and cultural and linguistic competence, and works towards community inclusion and participation. A family receiving Wraparound may also be paired with a Family Peer Support Specialist and/or a Youth Peer Support Specialist, an individual with lived experience who can help the family express their needs and navigate complex service systems.

Wraparound was first developed over 20 years ago in several states and regions, and there is growing evidence that it is an effective practice for keeping children and youth in their homes and home communities, is cost effective, and achieves positive outcomes for some of our most vulnerable children, youth, and families.

The Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire has worked with national experts and community and state partners to develop the NH Wraparound Practice model. This site provides access to the practice model elements, information about trainings and certification requirements, and access to a Learning Portal for trained Wraparound Coordinators.

To find out about your eligibility or to refer a family to Wraparound, please contact the NH Wraparound Eligibility & Referral Coordinator: (603) 271-5075.

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