New Hampshire Case Management Assessment and Training Project

New Hampshire Case Management Assessment and Training Project

The goal of this project is to give case managers and service coordinators across New Hampshire the tools they need to deliver high-quality, person-centered services that ensure equal experiences for the people they support. The project will assess current training, recommend areas to improve training, and develop  and host specific training content and a case management training platform.

Project Aims

1. Assess

Understand current case management and service coordinator training in NH and how well it is working. Assessment will include direct input from case managers and service coordinators, as well as people who access services through the DD, CFI, ABD, and IHS Waivers. 

2. Analyze

Understand case management job requirements and how person-centered approaches are used to plan and coordinate supports. Evaluate how case managers and service coordinators are trained to coordinate services that meet the varied needs of the people they support in different parts of the state. 

3. Plan

Identify gaps in needed case management training across the state. Determine whether there are people who have different case management experiences across NH based on where they live, as well as demographic differences. 

4. Train

Develop and produce curriculum and core trainings that incorporate person-centered practices and meet the diverse needs of adult learners. Test the trainings, develop a learning plan and make adjustments as needed. Design a system for monitoring and evaluating ongoing learning 

Project Tasks & Activities

Under a subcontract to the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), the IOD is supporting this work by facilitating community engagement and input, supporting data collection and analysis, providing training recommendations, developing training materials, and hosting online training content and certifications on UNH’s online systems.


This project is funded by the State of New Hampshire’s Department of Health and Human Services Division of Long-Term Services and Supports, contracted through the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI).