Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS)

Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS)

Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a data-driven behavioral support and improvement framework that consists of three levels, each specifically designed to prevent disruption and address the behavioral support needs of students at risk of school failure: 

  • School-wide Level:  A School-wide Leadership or “Universal” team is formed in the school, and consists of approximately 10-12 teachers, administrators, special educators, parents, and students. A trained external facilitator or coach guides the Universal team in its work to 1) evaluate and re-design the discipline systems using a positive, behavior-based approach; 2)  assess the school’s current behavior profile; 3) redesign the school’s behavioral expectations; 4) sharpen the school’s data collection and retrieval systems; and 5) design and implement school-wide interventions that will benefit all students. Universal Team initiatives are designed to address the needs of all students.
  • Secondary Level: Schools also develop a secondary level or “Targeted Team” of specialists and administrators that focus on those students who exhibit challenging behaviors and who are at risk for school failure due to academic, social, or behavioral issues. The goal of this team is to design interventions for the student or group of students based upon a functional and contextual assessment or Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA). These “function-based” interventions have been proven highly effective in the reduction of problem behaviors and the associated negative consequences.
  • Intensive Level: The external coach, trained in individualized supports—including “RENEW” at the high school level—works with staff members and specialists from community-based organizations to identify individual students who are struggling with significant emotional or behavior challenges. A support team is formed around each student and works with the student to develop individualized, student-directed plans designed to help the student to be successful in school and in his or her community.

For more information about MTSS training and coaching, please call 603-228-2084 or email

Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) is a data-driven behavioral support and improvement framework that consists of three levels, each specifically designed to prevent disruption and address the behavioral support needs of students.

  • School-wide Level:  A School-wide Leadership or “Universal” team is formed in the school, and consists of approximately 10-12 teachers, administrators, special educators, parents, and students. Universal Team initiatives are designed to address the needs of all students. A trained external facilitator or coach guides the Universal team to 1) evaluate and re-design the discipline systems using a positive, behavior-based approach; 2)  assess the school’s current behavior profile; 3) redesign the school’s behavioral expectations; 4) sharpen the school’s data collection and retrieval systems; and 5) design and implement school-wide interventions that will benefit all students.

  • Secondary Level: Schools also develop a secondary level or “Targeted Team” of specialists and administrators that focus on those students who exhibit challenging behaviors and who are at risk for school failure due to academic, social, or behavioral issues. The goal of this team is to design interventions for the student or group of students based upon a functional and contextual assessment or Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA). These “function-based” interventions have been proven highly effective in the reduction of problem behaviors and the associated negative consequences.

  • Intensive Level: The external coach, trained in individualized supports—including RENEW at the high school level—works with staff members and specialists from community-based organizations to identify individual students who are struggling with significant emotional or behavior challenges. A support team is formed around each student and works with the student to develop individualized, student-directed plans designed to help the student to be successful in school and in their community.

For more information about MTSS training and coaching, please call 603-862-4320 or email