Since its inception in 2020, the Building Futures Together program has diligently collected data across all cohorts, providing steadfast support to trainees throughout their educational journeys and on-the-job training. Our team has actively engaged with local and national communities, showcasing the transformative impact of our educational model, which integrates apprenticeship periods to enhance trainees' skills and work ethic.

On May 1, 2024, JoAnne Malloy and Jen Williams represented Building Futures at the prestigious Human Services Workforce Development Evaluation Symposium at the University of California, Los Angeles. This symposium, renowned for its two-decade legacy of fostering collaborative learning, brought together a diverse array of stakeholders including educators, human services professionals, and community leaders. The central theme of addressing workforce shortages across the human services field resonated throughout the event, with participants engaging in insightful discussions on project strategies, workplace improvements, and effective data collection methodologies.

A group photo of about 40 diverse adults nicely dressed pose for a picture in a hotel conference space at the Human Services Workforce Development Symposium.

JoAnne Malloy and Jen Williams pose in a group photo at the Human Services Workforce Development Evaluation Symposium in May, 2024.

"Our experience across four cohorts underscores a clear demand for the education and training we provide. We've observed a steady increase in enrollment, driven largely by enthusiastic referrals from our alumni and partner organizations. This growth validates the effectiveness of our programs in equipping professionals with enhanced skills and methodologies crucial for advancing their careers in the field."  - Jen Williams

A significant topic of discussion was the need for inclusive data gathering practices, ensuring questions are sensitive to diverse cultural, ethnic, and age groups. Many highlighted challenges where traditional survey wording failed to capture the nuanced experiences of various populations. Moving forward, there was a consensus on involving community experts in crafting surveys to ensure relevance and accessibility.

During the symposium’s culmination, Building Futures Together highlighted the transformative impact of our apprenticeship model. Attendees were eager to learn about retention rates, career advancements, and educational pursuits among program graduates. We are delighted to report that our trainees have thrived, with many assuming leadership roles within their organizations, pursuing advanced degrees, and contributing significantly to the sector's growth. Looking ahead, we remain dedicated to fostering collaboration and innovation in Human Services workforce development.

"We have to remember that a family system is just like the pipes in a house. If one section is having issues it will affect how the rest of the plumbing works. So the whole family unit needs to be supported" - Mike Gallagher

Building Futures Together participated at the New Hampshire Juvenile Court Diversion Network Summit on June 11th, 2024 in Concord. This event was a pivotal opportunity for us to engage with leaders and professionals dedicated to enhancing outcomes in juvenile justice and family support.

The Summit highlighted current trends in trauma-informed care, youth mental health, and substance use, with a strong emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Attendees, including representatives from Juvenile Court Diversion, Juvenile Probation, Child Welfare, Law Enforcement, Legal Professionals, Behavioral Health, Public Health, and Higher Education, gathered to collaborate on workforce development, networking, and fostering positive community relationships.

"One of my recent projects involved conducting a survey among the youth in our community, and the findings were enlightening. The primary question posed was: 'What are the most significant challenges you face as a teen?' The responses were concerning, with mental health emerging as the top issue, alongside social and economic insecurity, strained parental relationships, and experiences of grief. This prompted me to reflect on the availability of positive role models who could provide crucial support during these difficult times." - Rick Murphy

A middle-aged man and an older man wearing nametags are standing together looking off-camera engaging with someone.

Building Futures Together trainees Mike Gallagher(L) and Rick Murphy(R) at the New Hampshire Juvenile Court Diversion Network Summit in June 2024

Building Futures Together trainees Mike Gallagher and Rick Murphy at the conference Building Futures Together was honored to present our three-stage support approach for enhancing family outcomes. We began with educational initiatives aimed at empowering professionals in the field, followed by impactful testimonials from our Cohort 4 trainees.

These trainees shared how their professional practices have evolved through education, highlighting their workplaces' supportive environments for youth facing challenges such as opioid and other substance use disorders.

We extend our sincere gratitude to trainees Mike Gallagher and Rick Murphy for their invaluable contributions to the conference, showcasing innovative methods and outcomes in their respective roles. As we continue to forge ahead, Building Futures Together remains committed to driving positive change in family and youth support systems. Thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration.
