New Hampshire Children’s Trust 10th Annual Strengthening Families Summit.

Jen Williams
BFT The power of stories


Building Futures Together was presented at the New Hampshire Children’s Trust 10th Annual Strengthening Families Summit. During this summit, some objectives were to explore how storytelling can create strong families and supportive communities. This topic also allowed participants to highlight storytelling initiatives that amplify the voices of parents, caregivers, children, and youth based in the NH area.

Building Futures Together had JoAnne Malloy, Ph.D., MSW, and Macey Muller, MBA, MP, as speakers explaining how BFT plays an essential role in training paraprofessionals for the substance misuse field. The program also featured a past trainee’s project based on an interview that told a story of one woman’s journey through recovery using graphic facilitation as a storytelling tool. Emily Carrera, another past trainee who volunteered as a guest speaker, shared her experience in the program along with the work she has done and hopes to continue to do in the field.